RaiseUp Families logo, providing financial assistance in Houston, TX

About RaiseUp Families

Since 1994 RaiseUp Families has been providing financial assistance to parents of school-age children while helping them attain higher income jobs and teaching invaluable budgeting skills. This leads parents to become self-sufficient - prepared for future financial challenges where they will not have to utilize social services again. Our relational and individualized care gives parents the training and confidence to realize a better future for their children.
Our Mission
RaiseUp Families stabilizes parents from vulnerable communities who face unexpected financial crises so their children can focus on their education, giving them the opportunity for a better life.
Our Vision
Families across Greater Houston are stable and their children are excelling in school.

Our Values

Our F.I.E.R.C.E. values drive how we serve and honor each family we work with.

Who We Serve

We serve families with school-age children throughout the Greater Houston area.

Our model of strengthening families has the potential to benefit communities throughout Houston and Texas, where more than 86,000 youth are estimated to be facing homelessness.

Our History


The Westside Homeless Partnership (WHP) was formed by founders Diane Bubb, Bambi Schuette, Barbara Woodard, and Jack Burns. Informal community assessment reveals families living in unstable housing conditions. Decision to adopt a transitional housing model focusing on families' self-sufficiency.


WHP operated from a small office in the Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM) building, which was run entirely by volunteers at the time. Dave Deming and Betty Roy serve as the only paid staff. Introduction of the Holiday party for families.


Bambi Schuette becomes President of the Board and serves as Acting Director following Dave Deming's departure. Patty Pinckney is hired part-time as Director.


Patty Pinckney initiates the first fundraising luncheon and expands foundation support. Significant program enhancements are added, including teen programs, camps for children, and family counseling.


Heather Matthews Camfield is hired as the full-time Executive Director. Introduction of improved financial data management. WHP moves into MAM's new building designed for WHP.


WHP moves to its own offices on Long Point. Introduce parenting classes and increase educational support for families.


Kathy Washburn is hired as Executive Director. Nina Hanks joins WHP as Community Resource Coordinator, later replaced by Christina Yaya as Volunteer Coordinator.


Notable increase in individual funding through the Benevon program, achieving more multi-year givers.


The Board develops and adopts a new Strategic Plan.


The organization changes its name from Westside Homeless Partnership to RaiseUp Families.


Former case management staff (2 people) resign on the same day, impacting organizational capacity.


Restaffing completed with new candidates; new hires set to start on January 5, 2022. A severe storm strikes Houston and the office building at 9610 Long Point Rd is hit by a tornado. Extensive damage occurs, forcing all tenants to vacate the building.

March 2022

Without an office space, the Executive Director focuses on: Continuing services for client families. Training 3 new staff members remotely. Packing and moving office into storage. Searching for a new commercial space.

June 2022

RaiseUp Families is settled in a new office location, 2500 Tanglewilde Street. New Case Manager is hired. Despite challenges, RaiseUp serves the same number of families in FY22 as in FY21, with marginally improved outcomes.


RaiseUp Families hires Kate Yadan as full time Executive Director as Angela Burgess rolls off to serve primary consultant role. This timeline encapsulates the key events and milestones in the history of the organization, showcasing its evolution and response to the needs of the community.
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