RaiseUp Families logo, providing financial assistance in Houston, TX

Our Programs

Our financial assistance programs, which includes financial help, rental assistance, education classes, counseling, budgeting classes, and support groups, empower parents to become self-sufficient while stabilizing their housing situation. This is important so that their children can focus on their education in the same school without the fear of becoming homeless. An education is the one gift that, once given, can never be taken away. It opens up opportunities and ensures a brighter future for generations to come.

HandUp Program

Our nine-month HandUp program will help you become self-sufficient - prepared for future financial challenges that you can handle on your own. Our compassionate care gives you training and confidence so that you can provide for your family. It gives your children the space to just be kids - to play and focus on the education that will give them a brighter future.

The program will help you seek or retain employment while assisting with basic living expenses, such as rent, utilities, transportation, childcare, and job-related education and training. Our rental assistance helps you stay in housing zoned to your children’s current school so that their school year is not interrupted. Counseling and support groups encourages you and let you know you are not alone in your journey. A combination of the individualized care plans and financial assistance ensures the family’s financial independence at the completion of the program.
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AfterCare Program

After you successfully graduate from the nine-month HandUp Program, you are eligible for two years of support through our AfterCare Program so that you can further ground your family in self-sufficiency practices. You will have continued access to our team for guidance, mentorship and support to help you retain employment and continue to improve your income. You will still have access to financial education, counseling, budgeting classes, and support groups, which we encourage all our clients to participate in. The AfterCare Program will help you continue to improve your financial situation, so you never have to think about being homeless again and you can be confident that your children will have a brighter future. The dream of being financially stable is possible and you can get there.
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