When you are used to living paycheck to paycheck, an unexpected financial hardship such as job loss, medical or car repair bills, or a high interest loan can send you into a downward spiral that is nearly impossible to recover from. You want to be able to provide a stable home for your children, but the stress of not being able to pay your rent is too much to bear.
We believe no family should ever experience homelessness. You deserve more. Your children deserve the opportunity for a better life.
That's why RaiseUp Families provides direct assistance and financial education to parents of school-age children.
The information on this page will help you determine if you qualify for RaiseUp Families' HandUp Program, which all families must go through before becoming eligible for the LevelUp Program. If you do qualify, we hope you will fill out the pre-screening form today!
Parents applying for our HandUp Program must meet ALL of the following requirements:
We’re honored to be chosen as KPRC’s March Community Partner! Throughout the month, RaiseUp Families will be featured on Houston Life and the news, sharing how we’re helping Houston families achieve lasting stability. Tune in and celebrate with us!