RaiseUp Families logo, providing financial assistance in Houston, TX

Volunteer with Us

Your time and skills are invaluable to the RaiseUp Program. We could not provide the amount of individualized care we do without the generosity of people like you. There are many ways you or your group can make an impact on the children and families we serve. Please explore the list of possibilities below. Once you had a chance to review, please fill out the form below and our Program Director will reach out to you with more information about your choices.

Letters of Valuable Encouragement (L.O.V.E) Program

Receiving a letter of encouragement can make all the difference between a parent persevering or giving up. We invite you to join our L.O.V.E. Program and remind families that a brighter future is possible!
How it works:
Commit to writing an encouraging message to an assigned family once per month.
Receive progress of the family, so you can tailor your letters.
Be a part of breaking the cycle of poverty through your words
Join the L.O.V.E. Program
L.O.V.E Program
Your time and skills are invaluable to the RaiseUp Program. We could not provide the amount of individualized care we do without the generosity of people like you. There are many ways you or your group can make an impact on the children and families we serve. Please explore the list of possibilities below. Once you had a chance to review, please fill out the form below and our Program Director will reach out to you with more information about your choices.

Upcoming Opportunities

Letters of Valuable Encouragement (L.O.V.E. Program)

Letters of Valuable Encouragement (L.O.V.E. Program)

Receiving a letter of encouragement can make all the difference between a parent persevering or giving up. We invite you to join our L.O.V.E. Program and remind families that a brighter future is possible!

Book Club Leader

Book Club Leader

Do you love to read? RaiseUp Families is proud to conduct a client book club to help our current and former clients continue their educational journey. We need volunteers that would be willing to read the book, make an outline, and host up to 6 one-hour lessons through zoom meetings.

Board Service

Board Service

RaiseUp Families is always seeking ambitious people who want to be part of exciting change in our community to join our Board of Directors.  The Board meets 6 times a year, the 3rd Tuesday of the month for approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.  Total monthly commitment is no more than 1-2 hours.  Board terms are 3 years, and members cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms.  If you’re looking to grow your leadership position, give back to our community, and are ready to take on a new challenge, contact Kate at kate@raiseupfamilies.org or 713-973-8083, ext. 101 to learn more!

Graduation Luncheon Volunteers

Graduation Luncheon Volunteers

  • Morning Set-Up - We need energetic morning volunteers to help us from 7:30am to 9:30am with set-up on Tuesday, April 25th. Help us fill balloons, arrange centerpieces, and put together programs.
  • Luncheon Helpers - Not a morning person? We still need energetic volunteers that like working with people on Tuesday, April 29th. You’ll be on your feet from 10am to 1:30pm doing various jobs at our luncheon like parking lot attendants, greeters, client ambassadors, donation card pick-up, and cleaning up.
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